All day care Monday to Friday for working families 7:30am - 6:30pm for 51 weeks the year | 0208 673 3188


Music plays an important part of the Eveline Day School curriculum. All students have weekly singing lesson and Years Three to Six belong to our special choir. Individual private singing lessons are also on offer. The students perform to an audience several times a year including assemblies, Christmas Recitals, Charity Events and The Royal Albert Hall and The Royal Festival Hall.
The school’s aim is that every child is taught to play a musical instrument before they graduate. We belong to 'New Wider Opportunities' in Wandsworth for Key Stage 2. The aim of this programme is to teach an instrument to the whole class on a weekly basis and the class teacher is also involved. This has proved to be very successful in a pilot scheme involving some state schools in Wandsworth. We are the only private school in Wandsworth to take part in this scheme.
All of our Key Stage 2 students form part of the Wandsworth Strings Orchestra and have weekly small group lessons in the following instruments: double bass, cello, viola and violin, bringing them to a standard where they are able to perform at concerts at: The Royal Festival Hall, Fairfield Hall, The Mayor's Parlour and The Royal Albert Hall.
Private lessons in violin, piano, guitar and drums are also available. Students take their individual grade exams. The children have a wealth of opportunites to perform in front of their families and friends in the form of assemblies, Christmas recitals, musicals and graduations throughout the year.