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The Wandsworth Primary Model United Nations General Assembly (MUNGA) for pupils in Years 5 & 6


Wandsworth’s MUNGA is a unique enrichment programme involving a borough-wide inter-school debating competition on current global issues. It supports an understanding and promotion of global citizenship and complements the ‘Rights Respecting Schools’ programme.


The MUNGA programme culminates in each participating school sending a team of 6 delegates to Wandsworth Council Chambers to participate in the inter-school debate and Model United Nations General Assembly.


The theme this year is about vegetarianism and each school represented a country. Our Year Five debating team comprised of Mischa, Esme, Paul, Arlo, Arthur and Isabella. They were extremely persuasive and put their points across extremely well.


We are delighted and extremely proud to announce that our debating team WON the first Wandsworth event and beat ten other schools to qualify for the London Primary Debating Championships on Monday 1st July and gained third place.


This is an amazing achievement and we are very excited to be debating with other schools across London.


Well done to all of the children who took part. You should feel very proud!

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