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Our Junior Leadership Team
At EDS we encourage every student to be a leader. Our student leadership programme creates character building opportunities for our young people to take into the wider world, developing skills such as mentoring, assertiveness, leadership, teamwork, and communication. By contributing to our family ethos and local community, our student leaders feel engaged and proud of their school, and gain qualities that are attractive to their secondary schools.
We expect students:
To be leaders of learning in their lessons
To run our school council meetings
To lead assemblies
To meet and greet visitors and lead tours of the school
To be good role models that younger children respect
To be Sport Leaders
Roles and Responsibilities at EDS
Nurturing the Leaders of Tomorrow
At EDS we encourage every student to be a leader. Our Student Leadership programme creates character-building opportunities for our young people to take into the wider world, developing skills such as mentoring, assertiveness, leadership, teamwork and communication.
By contributing to our family ethos and local community, our student leaders feel engaged and proud of their school, and gain qualities that are attractive to their secondary schools.
Our Head Boy and Head Girl
Julien, Mischa and Esme
Our Head Boy and Girls were nominated by votes from our students, teachers and staff.
Our School Council
Our School Council is a lively forum, allowing the children a network of communication throughout the school. Meetings are held every two weeks and are chaired by our Head girls, Mischa and Esme and Head boy, Julien; nominated by our students, teachers and staff. Topics discussed range from choosing themes for our half termly Friendship Fun Days, reviewing the school uniform, revising lunch menus, choosing new playground equipment and clubs.
EDS House Teams 2019
Head of House - Ms Rachel and Mr Lewis-King
House Captains-Paul and Mischa
Name - Harriet Tubman who stood for Freedom.
Virtue - Faith in one another.
Element - Water
Motto - “Be Bold, Be Brave, believe in yourself, believe in your team.
By ourselves we may great! But together we are extraordinary!”
Head of House - Miss Norman and Ms DeGale
House Captains – Zahra and Julien
Name - Nelson Mandela who stood for Democracy.
Virtue - Hope in one another.
Element - Air
Motto - “Together forever makes everything better!”
Head of House - Miss Simpson and Mrs Brightley
House Captains – Archer and Esme
Name - Emily Pankhurst stood for Equality.
Virtue - Love one another.
Element - Fire
Motto - “We shine brightly from the flame inside.”
Head of House - Mrs Holloway and Miss Paula
House Captains – Arthur and Arlo
Name - Martin Luther-King stood for Peace.
Virtue - Be charitable to one another.
Element – Earth
Motto - “Hard work, dedication and success. Inspire, challenge and motivate each other in every aspect of school life.”